
Membership Listing

Regular Membership

Active membership is open to registered nurses (RNs). Active members receive all benefits of membership and may vote and hold office in the organization.

New to Neuro Membership

New to Neuro membership in AANN is for those who graduated from nursing school (not an advanced degree program) in the last 3 years, are new to nursing, or are new to working on a neuro unit or caring for neuro patients. This discounted membership type is available for 1 year. After 1 year you may renew to the Active or Associate AANN membership. New to Neuro membership is $90 annually. Renew your AANN membership by logging into your account. 

Associate Membership

Associate membership is open to non-RN professionals involved in the care of neuroscience patients. Associate members receive all benefits of active membership, but may not vote or hold office.

Student Membership

Student membership is open to full-time students eligible for the NCLEX examination. National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA) members can join AANN at the discounted student rate. Student members receive all benefits of active membership, but may not vote or hold office. Those interested in joining AANN as a student member must provide proof of student status by emailing a copy of their student ID to If you have any questions, please call 888/557-2266.

Annual Student Membership
$70.00 USD
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