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Evidenced Based Clinical Review: Intracranial Monitoring, Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring, Bispectral Monitoring

Evidenced Based Clinical Review: Intracranial Monitoring, Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring, Bispectral Monitoring

Evidenced Based Clinical Review: Intracranial Monitoring, Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring, Bispectral Monitoring
This webinar is available as a recording only and will not be presented live. We will host a follow-up Q&A session on April 19, 2023. The recording is presented by Deborah Stabell Tran, DNP, RN, SCRN, CNRN, NE-BC, Erin Supan, MSN, APRN-CNS, CNRN, Amy Young, MSN, APRN, ACCNS-AG, CCRN, and David Ricke MSN, APRN, ACCNS-AG, CCRN-K, CNRN, SCRN.

Participants can earn 1 CE contact hour for viewing the webinar recording and completing evaluation!

Learning Outcomes:

1. Registered nurses will understand the process for evidence reviews.
2. Registered nurses will be able to analyze the type of patients that may require ICP, PbtO2, or BIS monitoring.
3. Registered nurses will synthesis the literature and recommendations for care of a patient with ICP monitoring.
4. Registered nurses will analyze the literature and recommendations for care of a patient with PbtO2 monitoring.
5. Registered nurses will evaluate the literature and recommendations for care of a patient with BIS monitoring.

Product Details

Credit for the recording will will be awarded through March 5, 2025.

AANN is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

The American Association of Neuroscience Nurses is accredited as a provider of continuing education by the California Board of Registered Nursing (CEP:13331)

  • List Price: Free
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